The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 6: Feel

In this article we are going to cover how does the gun feel in your hand. This part comes from Jeff Levant, The Shooting Channel who wrote an article for the Daily Caller title “The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun”:

We’ve talked about the following topics: Use, Budget, New vs. Used, Size, and Caliber. All of these are very important considerations, but probably the most important one is Feel. How does the firearm feel in your hands? There’s no right or wrong answer to this, and there’s really no advice I can give you to figure this part out. The best thing to do is to head to your local, well stocked firearms dealer; find a patient salesman. Put as many guns as possible into your hand and when you find the right one, you’ll just know it. Try to find a gun that has the controls within easy reach. You don’t want to have to change your grip on the gun too much in order to reach the safety, the slide stop lever, or the magazine release. Aside from those considerations, find something that sits comfortably in your hand and provides for a natural point of aim when shooting.

This section is going to the least written about. As Jeff says, this is as personal as it gets. All I can say is that make sure it does feel good or you will not practice. If you do no practice, you will not become proficient. If you don’t become proficient, then what was the point of this entire series? 


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The Six Steps To Buying Your First Handgun – Step 5: Caliber